Université libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Buildings, Brussels, 24-25 September 2012
The Rectors Seminar 2012 “Europe-Canada: The Future of Academic Cooperation†will give an impetus for strengthening the existing links between Canadian and European higher education institutions. It will aim to address the global challenges faced by universities on both sides of the Atlantic, and encourage university leaders to jointly develop new paradigms for collaboration.
The Seminar is organised by UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capital Cities of Europe), associating 43 universities from 32 capitals with a combined strength of over 120,000 staff and 1,500,000 researchers and faculty members; European Network for
Canadian Studies (ENCS), gathering all the associations of Canadian Studies in Europe at the national and multinational levels; and the two leading universities in Brussels: Université libre de Bruxelles and Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Nicola Vittorio partecipate as Pro-Rector for coordinating student education activities also in post-lauream phases, University of Rome Tor Vergata.