
Nicola Vittorio is full professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the

Physics Dept. of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. He has been Dean (1999-2008) of the Faculty of Science and President (2006-2008) of the Association of the Deans of the Italian Faculties of Science (Con.Scienze).
From 2010 to 2013 he has been Vice-Rector for High Education of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

He has been President of the Evaluation Board of the University of Calabria from 2009 to 2013.

He is coordinating for the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)  the project “Lauree Scientifiche” or “Hard Science” Diploma Project , promoted by the Association of the Deans of the Italian Faculties of Science together with the Association of Italian Industries. This project, under the patronage of MIUR, aims to have, for the first time in Italy and in this field, a unified view of the path that a young individual has to undertake in his/her life, from school, to the University, to the job-market.

Since 2010, he is the Deputy President  of the Comitato del MIUR per lo Sviluppo della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica, chaired by Prof. Luigi Berlinguer.

In February 2012, he joined the Techincal Secretary for Scientific Policy of MIUR as an advisor of the Minister of Education, University and Research.

Since 2012 he is Member of the Ministry of Education, University and Research – MIUR Policies Board and Chairman of the Bologna Follow-Up Group – BFUG Working Group on the Third Cycle of European Higher Education Area.

Since 2013 he is Vice-rector for Doctoral education and internazionalization of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Since 2018 he is President of the Coordination Board of the the Tor Vergata PhD programs.

His main research interest is in theoretical cosmology and data analysis of space missions. He has published more than 200 articles on refereed journals. He is co-investigator of the ESA Planck mission for the observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background. Since 2019 he is the Scientific Coordinator of the national LiteBIRD Project, financed by the Italian Space Agency in support of the participation of the Italina community to the satellite LiteBIRD.

He is fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Turin, distinguished member of the Italian Physical Society, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, of the European Physical Society, of the International Astronomical Union, of the Italian Astronomical Society, and of the Italian Society for the Advancement of Science.