An Overview of General Relativity and Space-Time
di Nicola Vittorio
CRC Press – Taylor and Francis group, 2022

This textbook equips Masters’ students studying Physics and Astronomy with the necessary mathematical tools to understand the basics of General Relativity and its applications. It begins by reviewing classical mechanics with a more geometrically oriented language, continues with Special Relativity and, then onto a discussion on the pseudo-Riemannian space-times. Applications span from the inner and outer Schwarzschild solutions to gravitational wave, black holes, spherical relativistic hydrodynamics, and Cosmology. The goal is to limit the abstract formalization of the problems, to favor a hands-on approach with a number of exercises, without renouncing to a pedagogical derivation of the main mathematical tools and findings.
- Provides a self-contained introduction to General Relativity and to its standar applications.
- Presents readers with all the tools necessary for further learning and research in the field.
- Accessible to readers with just foundational knowledge of linear algebra and Lagrangian mechanics.
by Nicola Vittorio
CRC Press – Taylor and Francis group, 2017
Modern cosmology has changed significantly over the years, from the discovery to the precision measurement era. The data now available provide a wealth of information, mostly consistent with a model where dark matter and dark energy are in a rough proportion of 3:7. The time is right for a fresh new textbook which captures the state-of-the art in cosmology.
This brand new, thoroughly class-tested textbook provides graduate and undergraduate students with coverage of the very latest developments and experimental results in the field, and shows what is meant by precision cosmology, from both theoretical and observational perspectives.
This book is divided into three main parts:
- Part I provides a pedagogical, but rigorous, general relativity-based discussion of cosmological models, showing the evidence for dark energy, the constraints from primordial nucleosynthesis and the need for inflation
- Part II introduces density fluctuations and their statistical description, discussing different theoretical scenarios, such as CDM, as well as observations
- Part III introduces the general relativity approach to structure formation and discusses the physics behind the CMB temperature and polarization pattern of the microwave sky
Professione formatore in didattica delle scienze
Testimonianze del master tenuto presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
edited by di F. Berrilli, L.M. Catena, O. Rickards, F. Rocca, N. Vittorio
Mondadori Università , 2017
The Second Level Specializing Master “Training for Trainer in Science Teaching†at University of Rome “Tor Vergata†is finalized to give a post-lauream formation to first and second grade school teachers and its purpose is to enrich their professional profile with specific laboratory didactic skills by using new technologies. Its final purpose is the formation of teachers able to ideate and promote new teaching ways of experimental sciences by using a laboratory method. This book, through specific disciplinary contributions and extracts of some thesis written by the trainees, wants to testify the activities that have been realized during the first Master’s edition and its teaching modalities.
L’insegnamento della matematica e delle scienze nella società della conoscenza
Il Piano Lauree Scientifiche (PLS) dopo 10 anni di attivitÃ
edited by G. Anzellotti, L.M. Catena, M. Catti, U. Cosentino, J. Immé, N. Vittorio
Mondadori Università , 2014
At a distance of ten years from its birth, the Project “Lauree Scientifiche” (PLS), promoted and funded by MIUR, has helped to change the stereotype of the scientific disciplines perceived as arid, challenging and with limited career opportunities. The national conference of the PLS, organized at the “Città della Scienza” (NA) on December 12 and 13, 2013, has allowed a critical analysis on the teaching of science and on the acquisition on the part of young people a full scientific citizenship. This volume is intended as a testimony to the breadth and the quality of the assets PLS for the vocational guidance of students in secondary schools of II degree, for the professional growth of teachers and for access to university courses in the scientific area.
30 anni di dottorato di ricerca in Italia
L’ora del 2+3
by N. Vittorio, G. Cerri
Exorma Edizioni, 2014
Born with conditions of modernity and strategic visions of fitting with manufacturing world, but then sacrificed to prospects sometimes short-sighted and weakened by the progressive reduction of resources, it gave thousands of young people to universities and institutions abroad. The formation of each of their costs to the Italian State hundreds of thousands of euros. This study is a valuable “snapshot” on the phd: his birth and his slow development, between enthusiasm, controversy and many shadows; its influence on the world of research, work and on large companies. Compare with what is happening in Europe, also looking to the rest of the world.
From the Hubble Length to the Planck Length
edited by I. Ciufolini, E. Coccia, V. Gorini, R. Peron, N. Vittorio
Taylor & Francis Inc., 2010
Although gravity is the dominant force of nature at large distances (from intermediate scales to the Hubble length), it is the weakest of forces in particle physics, though it is believed to become important again at very short scales (the Planck length). The conditions created in particle accelerators are similar to those at the time of the early universe. While particle physics offers insight to early universe physics, there is a need to understand gravity at extremes of large and short distances to further understand cosmology and the development of the universe. Gravitation: From the Hubble Length to the Planck Length fulfills this need by providing an overview of relativistic astrophysics, early universe physics, cosmology, and their interface with particle physics. Written by international experts, this reference presents up-to-date information on classical relativity, astrophysics, and theoretical and experimental particle physics. The introduction sets the scene and provides a context for the remaining chapters. Chapters cover an extensive array of topics, from refined experimental techniques in gravitational physics to cosmology and the quantum frontier. The book concludes with a discussion of the connection among particles, fields, strings, and branes. This compilation shows how gravity plays a fundamental role in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology by exploring domains from the microscopic, such as black holes, to superclusters of galaxies that form the large-scale texture of the present-day cosmos. Moreover, with its theoretical and experimental focus on the foundations of gravity, Gravitation proves to be an invaluable resource for current and future research.
Innovare Crescere Competere: le sfide del dottorato di ricerca
Claudi Bordese; Enrico Predazzi; Nicola Vittorio
Casa Editrice Il Sole 24 Ore, 2008
The PhD programs are answer to the need for innovation, growth and productivity, and provide a country that knows how to assess its resources with the more complete providing a comparison with the rest of the world.
The goal is to stress the importance of this kind of studies, in a world that is increasingly dependent on science and high technology. It is well known that research (thanks to its innovative push, scientific publications and patents) is the engine of the economic growth and competitiveness. The book discusses inadequate resources and investments in research, also because of the limited private support to this specific fild.
The book describes the organization of doctoral studies in Italy, the mobility of research and its integration with the international one, and specifically focuses on the employability of doctoral students. The book briefly examines the role of Asian economies to stress the need of a mmore defined role of the EU and of its research institutions.
Il Cantiere aperto della Didattica
Una strategia di innovazione oltre le riforme
edited by Mario Morcellini e Nicola Vittorio
Casa Editrice Pensa Multimedia, 2007
The study, promoted by General Direction for University of Ministry of Education, University and Research and by Faculty of Communication Science of University of Rome La Sapienza, focuses on didactic reformism in XIV Legislature and on cultural organizing changes  introduced in academical world by new rules founded upon changes autonomy and responsibility.
From a revision of ‘degree classes’ to a new ‘required qualifications’ map, the first part of the volume reconstructs oportunities and restrictions of the actual didactic self-government, also in view of XV Legislature. Furthermore, some contributes by the Association of the Deans analize the impact of new regulations in specific disciplinary areas, testifying the comparison situation about education and culture paradigms favoured by rules innovation.
The final chapter presents, at last, first results of a research-intervention in didactic self-government promoted by Faculty of Communication Science of University of Rome La Sapienza, with a specific focus on how Italian media represents the reform and mainly on ‘banalities’ in public speech.
Physics: from School to the Job Market
Proceedings of the Workshop – Varenna, 17-18 June 2005
edited by G.F. Bassani, E. Predazzi, N. Vittorio
Società Italiana di Fisica, 2005
Special issue of Giornale di Fisica dedicated to the proceedings of the Workshop Physics: From School to the Job Market held in Varenna on occasion of the WYP 2005.
It is a survey on the job market for physicists with reference to Europe and US reporting various statistics on employment prospects and remuneration of Doc and postDoc in private companies, public organization and universities; on the declining interest in science studies and the gendre problem in scientific faculties.
From the Hubble Length to the Planck Length
edited by I. Ciufolini, E. Coccia, V. Gorini, R. Peron, N. Vittorio
Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004
Although gravity is the dominant force of nature at large distances (from intermediate scales to the Hubble length), it is the weakest of forces in particle physics, though it is believed to become important again at very short scales (the Planck length). The conditions created in particle accelerators are similar to those at the time of the early universe. While particle physics offers insight to early universe physics, there is a need to understand gravity at extremes of large and short distances to further understand cosmology and the development of the universe. Gravitation: From the Hubble Length to the Planck Length fulfills this need by providing an overview of relativistic astrophysics, early universe physics, cosmology, and their interface with particle physics. Written by international experts, this reference presents up-to-date information on classical relativity, astrophysics, and theoretical and experimental particle physics. The introduction sets the scene and provides a context for the remaining chapters. Chapters cover an extensive array of topics, from refined experimental techniques in gravitational physics to cosmology and the quantum frontier. The book concludes with a discussion of the connection among particles, fields, strings, and branes. This compilation shows how gravity plays a fundamental role in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology by exploring domains from the microscopic, such as black holes, to super clusters of galaxies that form the large-scale texture of the present-day cosmos. Moreover, with its theoretical and experimental focus on the foundations of gravity, “Gravitation” proves to be an invaluable resource for current and future research.
Galaxy Formation
Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”
edited by di Joe Silk and Nicola Vittorio
Società Italiana di Fisica, Bologna, 1995
From the introduction
Eighty students from sixteen countries on the shores of sunny Lake Como to hear a remarkable series of lectures on galaxy formation. The lectures were chosen to be pioneers and pacesetters in this rapidly developing field. The formation of galaxies is the one of the major unresolved problems in cosmology, and poses one of the greatest challenges. New generations of telescopes and detectors are producing data that probe the Universe to unsurpassed depths. Understanding these data requires an amalgam of astronomical specialties that comprise among many topics, star formation, interstellar matter, radio galaxies, X-ray clusters, quasars, inflationary cosmology and the cosmic microwave background.
Meccanica e termodinamica
Adalberto Bonincontro; Nicola Vittorio
Casa Editrice CEA, 1992
This book is dedicated to the first-year students enrolled in degree courses in basic science (math, physics or chemistry) where classical mechanics and thermodynamics are taught.
The topics are presented in an intuitive way, exploiting common experience and common sense. However, the formal derivation of the various laws is complete and rigorous, in line with the tradition of Italian universities.
The approach to a problem and its mathematical development are presented several timesfrom different points of view. In this way students can get to used to a problem-solving methods, with a full understanding of theoretical concepts.
The Cosmic Microwave Background: 25 Years later
edited by Nazareno Mandolesi and Nicola Vittorio
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990
This book is the result of a meeting held in L’Aquila (Italy) from the 19th-23rd June 1989. The aim of the meeting was to bring together people actively working on the cosmic microwave radiation background, both from an esperimental and from a theoretical point of view. In view of the intensive current activity in this field, including ongoing (COBE) and forthcoming (RELIC II, ISO, AELITA, etc.) space missions, a meeting fully dedicatedto this important topic was timely. The meeting also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1964 by the Nobel Prize winners A. Penzias and R. Wilson.
This volume consists of the invited talks held at the meeting and presents a state-of-the-art review of the microwave background radiation.