
He has been the mentor for the PhD thesis of the following students:

  • Pasquale Mazzotta, “Clusters of Galaxies in the X-ray and microwave bands”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1998/1999
  • Amedeo Balbi, “Mapping the Microwave Sky: The MAXIMA experiment”, University of Rome “Sapienza”, A.A. 1999/2000
  • Paolo Natoli, “Imaging Small Scales Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background: The BEAST Experiment”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1999/2000
  • Giancarlo de Gasperis, “Misure spaziali della radiazione cosmica di fondo: Obiettivi scientifici e analisi dati”, University of Rome “Sapienza”, A.A. 2000/2001
  • Alessandro Melchiorri, “Theoretical Studies relative to Cosmic Background
    ”, University of Rome “Sapienza”, A.A. 2000/2001
  • Alessandro di Marco, “Modelli inflazionari e ricostruzione del potenziale dell’inflatone”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2016/2017
  • Vladimir Lukovic, “Cosmic expansion in standard and non-standard cosmological models: theory vs. observations”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2016/2017
  • Balakrishna Sandeep Haridasu, “Phenomenology of late-time cosmic expansion”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2017/2018

He has been the mentor for the master thesis of the following students:

  • S. Pelliccioni: “Stringhe Cosmiche e Formazione di Struttura su Grande Scala dell’Universo”
  • P. Del Grande: “Studio della Anisotropia Angolare del Catalogo di Galassie IRAS”
  • A. Mariantoni: “L’effetto Sunyaev-Zel’dovich in Cosmologie Dominate da Materia Fredda”
  • G. de Gasperis, “Anisotropia del fondo cosmico su piccola scala angolare”, University of L’Aquila, A.A. 1992-1993
  • S. Mei, “Campi di velocità e accelerazioni peculiari: predizioni teoriche e confronto con le osservazioni”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, A.A. 1992-1993
  • P. Mazzotta, “Anisotropia secondarie del fondo cosmico su piccola scala angolare”, University of Pisa, A.A. 1993-1994
  • A. Pagliaro, “Formazione di galassie in regime lineare e non lineare: predizioni teoriche e confronto con le osservazioni”, University of Palermo, A.A. 1993-1994
  • P. Miocchi, “Metodi numerici per lo studio della formazione di galassie: N-corpi e Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”, University of L’Aquila, A.A 1993-1994
  • A. Martinelli, “Anisotropie del fondo cosmico su grande scala angolare”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1994-1995
  • A. Balbi, “Anisotropie del fondo cosmico in universi dominati da materia fredda, con reionizzazione del mezzo intergalattico”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1994-1995
  • C. Vignola, “Anisotropie del fondo cosmico a grande e piccola scala angolare in universi a curvatura spaziale non nulla”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1994-1995
  • P. Natoli, “La missione COBRAS/SAMBA”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 1995-1996
  • A. Melchiorri, “Polarizzazione del fondo cosmico”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, A.A. 1995-1996
  • A. Iess, “Cosmologia dallo spazio: le missioni WMAP e Planck a confronto”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2012-2013
  • A. Addazi, “Materia oscura come settore nascosto parallelo (Dark Matter as an hidden parallel sector)”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2012-2013
  • V. Lukovic, “Lemaitre Tolman Bondi Cosmological Models”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A 2012-2013
  • A. Buzzelli, “Cosmic Microwave Background polarization: theory and observations”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2013-2014
  • A. Di Marco, “Modelli inflazionari e ricostruzione del potenziali dell’inflatone”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2013-2014
  • B.S. Haridasu, “Constraints on warm Dark Matter and Sterile Neutrino Mass from CMB observations”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2013-2014
  • R. D’Agostino, “LTB Isotropic and Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model: a systematic comparison with observations”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A 2013-2014
  • A. Kozmanyan, “Constraints on cosmological parameters from Cosmic Microwave Background and Matter Power Spectrum observations”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A 2014-2015
  • A.S. Maniyar, “A proper statistical analysis of cosmological observables; impacts on Dark Energy Models”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2015-2016
  • P. Campeti, “Tensor modes in the early universe”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2015-2016
  • F. Tosone, “Dark Energy models and the large-scale structure of the universe”, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, A.A. 2016-2017

Held at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” exercises in the following courses of the Faculty of Science:

A.A. 78/79: Relativistic Theory
A.A. 80/81: Celestial Mechanics
A.A. 81/82: Celestial Mechanics
A.A. 81/82: Physics
A.A. 82/83: Celestial Mechanics
A.A. 82/83: Physics

He holds the following courses at the Master of Science in Physics at the University of L’Aquila:

A.A. 87/88: Mathematical Methods in Physics (commitment)
A.A. 88/89: Mathematical Methods in Physics (commitment) and Astrophysics (commitment)
A.A. 89/90: Astrophysics (commitment)
A.A. 90/91: Astrophysics (commitment) e Cosmic Physics (commitment)

He holds the following courses at the Master of Science in Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata:

A.A. 91/92: Cosmology
A.A. 92/93: Cosmology
A.A. 93/94: Cosmology
A.A. 94/95: Theoretical Astrophysics
A.A. 95/96: Theoretical Astrophysics
A.A. 96/97: Cosmology
A.A. 97/98: Cosmology
A.A. 98/99: Cosmology
A.A. 99/00: Cosmology
A.A. 00/01: Cosmology
A.A. 00/01: Modern Physics
A.A. 01/02: Cosmology
A.A. 02/03: Cosmology
A.A. 03/04: Cosmology
A.A. 03/04: Gravitation and Relativity
A.A. 05/06: Cosmology
A.A. 05/06: Gravitation and Relativity
A.A. 07/08: Gravitation and Relativity
A.A. 09/10: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 10/11: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 11/12: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 12/13: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 13/14: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 14/15: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 15/16: Relativity and Cosmology
A.A. 16/17: Relativity and Cosmology 1, Relativity and Cosmology 2
A.A: 17/18: Relativity and Cosmology 1, Relativity and Cosmology 2
A.A: 18/19: Relativity and Cosmology 1, Relativity and Cosmology 2
A.A: 19/20: Relativity and Cosmology 1, Relativity and Cosmology 2

He holds the following courses at the Master of Science in Pharmacy, University of Rome Tor Vergata:

A.A. 08/09: Physics
A.A. 09/10: Physics