Contribution “Comunicare La Luce: metodologie e strumenti di comunicazione della scienza per la scuolaâ€
Written by Liù M. Catena and Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), February 15th 2016
The project starts from the solicitation moved by some teachers that assisted to the closing ceremony in occasion of the Stage Estivo 2015 a Tor Vergata. The students who took part in the didactic module “Comunicazione e divulgazione scientifica†(“Scientific communication and divulgationâ€) made a presentation of the activities they performed during the five-day-long stay at the roman university. “You should organize a similar initiative for docents as well†was the exhortation that has been sent to the Stage’s organizers. … view
Contribution “Master Universitari Nazionali per la Formazione di Formatori: l’esperienza dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergataâ€
Written by Liù M. Catena and Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), December 7th 2015
The first edition of Second Level Specializing Master “Training for Trainer in Science Teachingâ€, that takes place at Tor Vergata University in March 2003, has a two-year-long duration (2013/14 and 2014/15 academic years). This is a pilot initiative, entirely supported and funded by MIUR, finalized to post-lauream formation for first and second grade school teachers and its purpose is to enrich their professional profile with specific laboratory didactic skills by using new technologies. … view
Contribution “Master Universitari Nazionali per la Formazione di Formatoriâ€
Written by Liù M. Catena and Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), November 23rd 2015
The pilot project promoted by MIUR for the activation of 18 Academic Second Level Specializing Masters that are dedicated to “teachers trainingâ€. This contribution’s aim is to give a synthetic presentation of this pilot project regarding these 18 Second Level Specializing Masters. The initiative touches the following topics: “Training for Trainer in Science Teachingâ€, “Training for Trainer in Math Teachingâ€, “Training for Trainer in verbal and non-verbal Language Teaching†“Training for Trainer in Communication Teachingâ€. … view
Contribution “Gli ‘Stage a Tor Vergata’: studenti-ricercatori per cinque giorniâ€
Written by Liù M. Catena and Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), September 24th 2015
Starting by June 20th, in the Physics Department first and in the whole Tor Vergata University’s Scientific Macroarea nowdays, takes place the “Stage a Tor Vergata†initiative. The project wants to be a formative orientation where students and science teachers from the middle schools try and experiment new didactic forms that are focused on lab experiences. … view
Contribution “L’esperienza del PLS: guardando oltreâ€
Written by Liù M. Catena and Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), July 13th 2015
Last May 11th and 12th 2015, took place at Rome the meeting “L’esperienza del PLS: guardando oltreâ€. The PLS acronym stays for Piano Lauree Scientifiche (Scientific Degrees Plan) and it’s identified as a MIUR ten-years-long project. One of the very first PLS projects was to increment the students’ enrollment in Chemistry, Physics and Math studies. … view
Contribution “Direttive europee in materia di dottoratoâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Pedagogia Oggi, issue 1, SIPED, 2014
The European discussion has helped to better define what is meant for innovative Ph.D: on one hand quality, transparency, employability and mobility; on the other hand, employment opportunities no longer limited to the academic sector, but also in the private one and to the public administration. All this without giving up research training to research. … view
Contribution “Il ri(s)catto delle lauree scientificheâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0 (RCS Libri-Education), October 22nd 2013
The PLS project has allowed to revalue scientific university studies. Since Secondary School teachers are the students’ key to get a closer approach to the scientific world, they have been involved into the PLS project. Nice results have arrived immediately. … view
Contribution “Più chance alle matricole mancateâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio and Luigi Berlinguer
Il Sole 24 ore, March 11th 2013
University deserves an absolutely major attention (politically and financially speaking) from current and forthcoming governments. Even in such a difficult moment, there’s need to find the right resources by restricting the outgoings on other sectors. This priority is not just declaimed but it’s also put into practice. … view
Contribution “Il Piano nazionale per le Lauree Scientifiche: laboratorialità , creatività e cittadinanza scientificaâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio and Liù M. Catena
ComunicareFisica 2012 – Turin, October 8th-12th 2012
The PLS project is the natural evolution of academic activities started in 2004 and the following need of making a system realization out of experimentation. … view
Contribution “L’allievo, da spettatore a protagonist: la didattica laboratoriale e l’esperienza del progetto Xké? Di Torinoâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Scuola Democratica, issue 4, Guerini e Associati, February 2012
Physics, chemistry, biology are disciplines taught to the students through a frontal modality the most of the time. If “lesson is the listener’s introduction to the scientific work process as well as a way to teach through evidence and experimentationâ€, then laboratory didactic wants to introduce new methods and merits that cannot be ignored anymore. … view
Contribution “Università : occhi puntati all’Europaâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Education 2.0, February 17th 2012
January 26th took place at the CNR great hall in Rome a meeting entitled “Lo spazio europeo dell’istruzione superior: analisi della attualità e proposte di sviluppo†organized by Committee for the Development of Scientific and Technological Culture of the Ministry of Education, University and Research and the National University Council. … view
Contribution “Anima e Atomo: alcune riflessioni di contestoâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio (in collaboration with Liù M. Catena)
Il futuro ha un cuore antico. I 150 anni del Liceo Rinaldini di Ancona, Affinità Elettive Edizioni, 2011
Europe’s Government Leaders established in 2005 the releasing of the Lisbon Action Plan. The project is based on three priorities: 1. Making Europe abler to attract jobs and investments by reinforcing the internal market, improving national and community regulations, amplifying and potentiating European infrastructures. … view
Contribution “L’insegnamento delle discipline scientificheâ€
By Nicola Vittorio
“Nuovi Licei: l’avventura della conoscenzaâ€. Seminario Liceo delle Scienze Umane, Turin, Fondazione per la Scuola – Compagnia di San Paolo, April 12th 2011
Contribution “Corsi di laurea scientifici: un’opportunità per il futuroâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Oltre I materiali: La scienza tra le nostre dita, edited by Liù M. Catena and Ivan Davoli, Springer-Verlag Italia, 2011
While writing this little contribution, it came naturally to me to remember how I ended up signing to the Physics degree course. Mine has been a blind choice since I came from Superior School classic studies and my mathematic knowledge was limited to trigonometry. About physics, I never had a closer look to the experimental dimension of the discipline, I just studied it on the books. … view
Contribution “Il percorso di fisica e scienzeâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
“Nuovi Licei: l’avventura della conoscenzaâ€. Seminario Liceo Scientifico e Scienze applicate, Bologna, November 30th 2010
First of all, I want to thank the Scuola della Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation for the invitation and the Ducati Foundation for its hospitality. Seems to me pretty appropriate to put school, university and job together since new indications take place in a generic context: the one of Italy’s scientific culture. … view
Contribution “L’Università del 2020â€
Written by Nicola Vittorio and Simona Davoli
Analysis – Rivista di cultura e politica scientifica, 1, 2010, ANPRI
“L’Università del 2020†article wants to offer an image of the actual situation of university system by pointing out its merits and its flaws. The article talks about the changings that forced universities to review their role and their occupation in their territory. In this new disposition, research and formation (the two main elements of university system) must find a strong synergy through a strengthening of Ph.D experience. … view
Contribution “Il Progetto Lauree Scientifiche: come avvicinare scuola, università e mondo del lavoroâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Scienza, Conoscenza e Realtà , edited by Cinzia Buscherini and Stefano Versari, USR Emilia Romagna, Tecnodid Editrice, 2008
Instruction Cabinet of May 2003 has identified five main intervention areas; one of them is the increment of Math, Science and Technology graduations – at least a 15% increment until 2010 – with a strong gender rebalancing. This target want to fight the so-called “scientific vocation crisis†that caused, in the 90s, a drastic drop of enrollment for basic sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Math) degree courses in the major part of industrialized countries. … leggi
Contribution “Saluti istituzionaliâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio
Matematici al lavoro. Cinquanta e più storie di laureate in matematica, edited by Enza del Prete, Alessandro Russo and Gabriele Anzellotti, Sironi Editore, 2008
Choosing our own degree course can be a difficult problem to solve if we don’t have proper references and informations. If every student’s decision is usually motivated by its interest to a specific discipline, on the hand students often ask themselves “what can I do aftermath?†… view
Contribution “Scuola, Università e Mondo del Lavoro: la filiera del Progetto Lauree Scientificheâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio and Enrico Predazzi
Annali della Pubblica Istruzione 2-3, 2007, Le Monnier
In March 2000, in Lisbon, European Council has placed the strategic target to make Europe “an economy based on a competitive and dynamic knowledge of the world able to realize a sustainable economic growth with better jobs and a major social cohesion.†… view
Contribution “Pensare la didattica. Obiettivi e line-guida per una discussion nell’Università italianaâ€
Written by Nicola Vittorio and Mario Morcellini
Convegno Università Italiana, Università Europea. La Convergenza dei percorsi formative da Bologna 1999 a Londra 2007, Camerino, February 1st 2007
First of all, I want to thank Rector Esposito for his splendid hospitality and for giving us – with this meeting – the possibility of deepening topics, like formation and research, that have a strategic value for the country’s future. University research is a very important junction point towards the outside in terms of relapse (brevets, technologic transfer and, why not, culture production), innovation and international competitiveness. … view